Biomarker Discovery and Validation in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP)

The goals of this application are to identify cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers that reliably distinguish between PSP, PD and healthy individuals using TMT-based multiplexing mass spectrometry technology for discovery and targeted parallel reaction monitoring (PRM) mass spectrometry for validation. In the discovery phase global pallidus tissue will also be analyzed from 15 PSP patients and 15 PD as well as 15 HC individuals using TMT-based multiplexing mass spectrometry. A cohort of 40 PSP, 40 PD and 40 healthy control individuals will be recruited for this project and followed over a three year time period. Biofluid biosamples will be collected and deposited with the NINDS BioSEND Repository and clinical data will be shared through the PDBP data management resource.