Sample data file content:
"Site Name","Age in Years","Diagnosis","MDS-UPDRS Score - Baseline","MDS-UPDRS Score - 6 months","MDS-UPDRS Score - 12 months","MDS-UPDRS Score - 18 months"
"Brigham and Women's","70","Control","0","0","",""
"Brigham and Women's","60","Parkinson's disease","8","9","19","11"
"Johns Hopkins University","70","Control","1","1","1","1"
Data should be a comma-separated value (CSV) file, with values in quotes."Brigham and Women's","70","Control","0","0","",""
"Brigham and Women's","60","Parkinson's disease","8","9","19","11"
"Johns Hopkins University","70","Control","1","1","1","1"
Numeric columns can only contain numbers or empty values.
For numeric columns to share a scale, they should share the same base name, and the first should end with "Baseline".
"Site Name","Age in Years","Diagnosis","MDS-UPDRS Score - Baseline","MDS-UPDRS Score - 6 months","MDS-UPDRS Score - 12 months","MDS-UPDRS Score - 18 months"
Others in the series should end with a dash and a numeric value with an optional unit, for example: "6 months", "12 months", or "1", "2".
"Site Name","Age in Years","Diagnosis","MDS-UPDRS Score - Baseline","MDS-UPDRS Score - 6 months","MDS-UPDRS Score - 12 months","MDS-UPDRS Score - 18 months"
To see an example of the input file press the Download button.Statistics