

Sample data file content:

"Site Name","Age in Years","Diagnosis","MDS-UPDRS Score - Baseline","MDS-UPDRS Score - 6 months","MDS-UPDRS Score - 12 months","MDS-UPDRS Score - 18 months"
"Brigham and Women's","70","Control","0","0","",""
"Brigham and Women's","60","Parkinson's disease","8","9","19","11"
"Johns Hopkins University","70","Control","1","1","1","1"
Data should be a comma-separated value (CSV) file, with values in quotes.
Numeric columns can only contain numbers or empty values.
For numeric columns to share a scale, they should share the same base name, and the first should end with "Baseline".
"Site Name","Age in Years","Diagnosis","MDS-UPDRS Score - Baseline","MDS-UPDRS Score - 6 months","MDS-UPDRS Score - 12 months","MDS-UPDRS Score - 18 months"
Others in the series should end with a dash and a numeric value with an optional unit, for example: "6 months", "12 months", or "1", "2".
"Site Name","Age in Years","Diagnosis","MDS-UPDRS Score - Baseline","MDS-UPDRS Score - 6 months","MDS-UPDRS Score - 12 months","MDS-UPDRS Score - 18 months"
To see an example of the input file press the Download button.