Advancing Parkinson's Disease biomarkers discovery, together.
Through the sharing of information and resources, researchers, healthcare professionals, patients, and their families will accelerate the pace of Parkinson's Disease biomarker discovery.
Accelerating Medicine Partnership in Parkinson’s Disease

The Accelerating Medicines Partnership (AMP) program for Parkinson’s disease (PD) has launched a data portal to provide de-identified information collected from 4,298 PD patients and healthy controls to researchers working to develop effective therapies for the disease. The portal enables researchers to study complex data sets and perform genome-wide analyses at a scale previously impossible.
The biorepositories receive, process, store and distribute biospecimen and cell resources that can be shared with the research community.

The Parkinson’s Disease Biospecimen Resource Access Committee (PD BRAC) is responsible for reviewing all requests for biofluid biospecimen access. Submit an online application for access.
The PDBP Data Management Resource (DMR) contains tools to help with data queries.

The PDPBP Data Management Resource (DMR) contains clinical, genetic, imaging and biomarker data associated with Parkinson’s disease, Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson’s Disease Related Disorders. Learn how to setup an account, submit data, access data through the query tool and order biosamples utilizing the “join” and “filtering” functions in the DMR query tool.
Data Explorer and Data Visualization Tool

See graphics of aggregate data pulled nightly from the PDBP Data Management Resource (DMR) for Lewy Body Dementia, Parkinson’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease Related Disorders. Use the visualization tool to compare trends in PDBP data or your own datasets.